About Us
Joining NPKC is easy!
To become an NPKC member, all you need to do is join OAKE (the Organization of American Kodàly Educators).
When you join, don't forget to enter Northern Plains Kodály Chapter (NPKC) as your local chapter.
This will register you as a member of NPKC.
You read that right! Students join OAKE for absolutly FREE!
Here is the best part.... students that are NPKC members get to attend all our workshops for FREE!
Just go to https://www.oake.org/become-a-member/ and choose "student" when registering!
Why join NPKC?
OAKE and NPKC continues to be a vibrant organization: our mission is to support music education of the highest quality and preserve the musical heritage of the people of the United States of America through education, artistic performance, advocacy, and research. Membership contributions help to make these goals possible.
OAKE Members enjoy many benefits with their membership including:
Membership in NPKC: OAKE has more than 40 local Chapters nationwide that hold exciting and meaningful workshops and events throughout the year. NPKC is one of those local chapters. All NPKC members can attend our workshops at reduced rates.
The Kodály Envoy: A quarterly journal of articles, reviews, and informational items sent quarterly to all OAKE members with a subscription. Subscription to the Envoy is included in all membership levels.
Online Membership Directory: A searchable listing of OAKE members and their contact information.
Reduced registration fee at the annual OAKE National Conference: Each year a different division hosts our national conference. These inspiring, musical, and educational events are the highlight of the year!
National Conference Choirs: OAKE members are entitled to submit their students to audition for the National Conference Choirs.
Divisional Newsletters: Each of the four OAKE Divisions distributes an online newsletter containing articles, practical ideas, news, and information about their activities and their Chapters.
Jenö Ádám Scholarship: Members may apply for scholarship for Kodály studies in the United States or abroad.
OAKE Leaf Fund Awards: Financial support for charitable and educational purposes related to the Kodály philosophy.
Publications: Members receive reduced prices on OAKE publications.
Voting Privileges and the Right to Hold Office: Professional, Lifetime, and Retired OAKE members are eligible to vote and hold office in OAKE Leadership positions.
These benefits only scratch the surface of what our organization can provide for you as a member.